Greetings! As winter began officially, and holidays are approaching, I wanted to make one post about all big Winter Holidays-related stuff (catholic Chrismas, Orthodox Chtisrmas, New Year and other winter festivals) we got here in PPM (shps, voxels etc...) for easier usage. And to add to ,,winter spirit" of course. Banshee can stick it for winter.
X-Mas tree and Snowman by PD

LINK: https://ppmforums.com/topic-7834/x-mas-tree/
My Snowman by Sleepwalker

LINK: https://ppmforums.com/topic-12902/my-snowman/
Satan Claus and Frotzy the Snowman by raminator

LINK: https://ppmforums.com/topic-31734/ra2yr-satan-claus-and-frotzy-the-snowman/
Freezed Death by deathreaperz

LINK: https://ppmforums.com/topic-42878/freezed-death/
Snowman by Quiet

LINK: https://ppmforums.com/topic-63792/snowman-ra2yr/
Mince Pie Mines by Quiet

LINK: https://ppmforums.com/topic-63817/mince-pie-mines-ra2yr/

Christmas Assets 1 by MasterHaosis

LINK: https://ppmforums.com/post-598244/christmas-assets-1/
Christmas Assets 2 by MasterHaosis

LINK: https://ppmforums.com/post-598320/christmas-assets-2/
Christmas Assets 3 by MasterHaosis

LINK: https://ppmforums.com/post-598338/christmas-assets-3/
Santa Buildings by MasterHaosis & MadHQ

LINK: https://ppmforums.com/post-598997/santa-buildings/
Christmas Defenses by raminator, MasterHaosis & MadHQ

LINK: https://ppmforums.com/topic-57871/christmas-defenses/
Snow Pond by MasterHaosis

LINK: https://ppmforums.com/topic-63780/snow-pond/
People on sleds by MasterHaosis

LINK: https://ppmforums.com/topic-63810/people-on-sleds/

Here in MadHQ's site (which is part of PPM site) you have over 50 snow themed maps (that is why no previews).
Here in this link you will be automatically transfered to his snow maps http://zombapro.ppmsite.com/index.php?page=Yuri%27s+Revenge&twoplayer=two&threeplayer=three&fourplayer=four&fiveplayer=five&sixplayer=six&sevenplayer=seven&eightplayer=eight&snow=Snow&search=Search
Some of PPM Snow themed maps
Here are some of PPM maps, there are much more scattered arround.









